Gastroscopy Brisbane & Gold Coast

Gastroscopy Screening with Dr Terence Chua Brisbane Gold Coast

What is gastroscopy?

Gastroscopy involves the insertion of a fibre optic gastroscope through the mouth into the duodenum (first part of the small intestine). It is performed under twilight anaesthetic (sedation) and allows full visualization of the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum.

Why do I need to have gastroscopy?

Gastroscopy is indicated for patients with abdominal pain, bloating, gastro-oesophageal reflux or as screening for at risk patients for gastro-oesophageal cancers.

Direct visualization and careful examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract allows identification of the pathology. Biopsies are commonly performed to help confirm the diagnosis.

What is involved in a gastroscopy procedure?

Dr Terence Chua is a general surgeon who performs gastroscopy procedures across Brisbane, Redland, Sunnybank and the Gold Coast, Queensland. Gastroscopy is performed as a day procedure. Unless you are also having a colonoscopy, no bowel preparation is required. You must be fasted for a minimum of 6 hours (no oral food or liquids) prior to your gastroscopy.

How long does a gastroscopy procedure take?

The procedure time is estimated to be between 10 and 20 minutes and upon completion, you will need 1-2 hours to recover before being allowed to leave the hospital. You will need someone to pick you up from the hospital following your procedure as it is unsafe for you to travel alone or drive a vehicle. Results of your biopsy should be available within 2 weeks of your procedure.