Thyroidectomy & thyroid surgery Brisbane & Gold Coast

Thyroid Surgery and Thyroidectomy Dr Terence Chua Brisbane Gold Coast

What is involved in thyroid surgery and a thyroidectomy?

In preparation for thyroid surgery, you may be required to see an ENT surgeon for a vocal cord assessment. This allows for documentation of the vocal cord function that reflect the integrity and function of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. Patients who consume blood thinners will need to have this completely ceased leading up to surgery; Aspirin (2 weeks), Plavix (2 weeks), Warfarin (5 days), Herbal medication fish oil and St John’s Wort (2 weeks), New Oral Anticoagulation NOACs (3-5 days). 

Thyroidectomy is performed by an open neck incision in an existing skin crease. A skin crease incision hides the scar once it is healed. The length of the incision ranges from 5cm for a hemithyroidectomy to 7cm for a total thyroidectomy. Minimally invasive parathyroid operations only require a 2-3cm incision.

Dr Terence Chua is a thyroid surgeon who performs thyroid surgery across Brisbane, Redland, Sunnybank and the Gold Coast, Queensland.

How long does thyroid surgery take to perform?

The operation duration commonly last for 1-1.5 hours for a hemithyroidectomy and 2-2.5 hours for a total thyroidectomy. The removal of the thyroid gland is focused on complete gland removal, preservation of the parathyroid glands and full preservation of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. This nerve is dutifully identified and protected at operation and its integrity is checked and confirmed by a nerve monitor.

What are the risk of a thyroidectomy?

The risk of thyroidectomy include bleeding requiring a reoperation 1%, permanent hypoparathyroidism requiring calcium or vitamin D supplementation 2% and voice changes 1%. Following total thyroidectomy, patients are required to take lifelong thyroxine. In a hemithyroidectomy, thyroxine is not usually necessary but may be required in up to 10% of patients who suffer from postoperative hypothyroidism.

What is the recovery like following a thyroidectomy?

Postoperative hospital stay is for 1-2 nights. Patients undergoing a thyroidectomy will stay 1 night and in those undergoing total thyroidectomy, they will stay for 1-2 nights depending on postoperative blood test results.

Wound sutures are dissolving and steristrip dressing should stay on for 7-10 days followed by using micropore tape for 6 weeks post surgery. Beyond the 3rd week, over the counter scar ointment i.e. Bio Oil (often Vitamine E or silicon-based) may be used.